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 Good proof about "that they suck" !

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 104
Anmeldedatum : 02.06.11

Good proof about "that they suck" ! Empty
BeitragThema: Good proof about "that they suck" !   Good proof about "that they suck" ! EmptyDi 19 Jul 2011, 12:21

Lich King World 1.

Good proof about "that they suck" ! Lk_hc10

Lich king heroic (3.3)

Immerhin fand der der Schamane dank des Bloodlusts noch in 3.3 seinen Platz beim LK World 1st... kaum auszudenken wenn es den Time Warp schon zu jener Zeit gegeben hätte...
Denn dann hätte man sicherlich auch den letzten schamanen seines Dienstes entbinden können...

Sinestra World 1.

Good proof about "that they suck" ! Sinest12

Cataclysm kam, sah und siegte zumindestens über die Klasse "Schamane". Die Dunkelblauen Frames im raid wurden nun endgültig durch andere bunte Farben ersetzt.
DPS & HPS Meters freuten sich ... und Blizzard sei Dank, können Magier nun auch Kampfrausch (Time Warp) ... wäre ja zu blöd gewesen im neuen Addon weiterhin lästige Schamanen

Ragnaros (H) World 1.

Good proof about "that they suck" ! Ragnar10

Cataclysm: 2 - Schamanen: 0

Und wieder können wir einen neuen World 1st Kill verzeichnen... diesmal konnte Paragon den 2. Tier-Boss "Ragnaros" Bezwingen.
Nur schade dass dieser nun durch sein Ableben nie mehr in den Genuss kommen wird mal ein Totem aus der Nähe zu sehen.
Wenn er aber vielleicht doch noch mal Glück hat und nach seinem Ableben in den großen WoW-Himmel kommt, hat er vielleicht dort noch einmal die Chance
doch noch einen Blick auf diese ominösen "Totems" zu werfen von denen immer alle reden. Denn im großen WoW-Himmel liegt wohl mittlerweile auch die
Klasse des Schamanen begraben....

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 104
Anmeldedatum : 02.06.11

Good proof about "that they suck" ! Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Good proof about "that they suck" !   Good proof about "that they suck" ! EmptyDi 19 Jul 2011, 19:16

It doesn't matter at all unless you can verify and prove that Heroic Ragnaros is impossible, or way more difficult to kill, when a specific class or specialization is represented in the raid.

You're forcing together a couple of incredibly fragmented pieces of data -- and the sample size of that tested data is 25 players in the whole world fighting one boss in the entire game -- to extrapolate an entire thesis on class balance.

No one is going to benefit from trying to make an argument out of this.

And why do you think the world first guilds continue to not bring any Shamans. Is it because they're in such a good place right now they didn't want people to complain that they were class stacking Shamans because of how amazing they are?

This is the 3rd world first end boss kill in the past 3 patches where there was not ONE DPS Shaman in the raid makeup (And only one Resto Shaman in the past 3 world first end boss kills). You can keep saying EVERY new patch that they can bring what they want and that there is nothing that you can do, but you should really look at why they aren't bringing one class every single time.
That's a pretty ineffective way to consider class balance. It's as though you're suggesting the answer to perceived shaman woes is for us to buff them until the top guilds in the world must bring them to their raids for world first kills. That's a vacuum in which class balance should never work.

One thing you're certainly not doing is counting all of the kills of each of the Heroic bosses which followed the world firsts. Shaman have certainly been present for Heroic boss kills in Cataclysm, but that data doesn't support your argument. You want to focus on, what, four total boss kills over the last eight months? Out of tens of thousands of Heroic boss kills which have occurred globally since Cataclysm, do you really think you're presenting a fair case?
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I'm Uffie of course!
I'm Uffie of course!

Anzahl der Beiträge : 58
Anmeldedatum : 23.05.11

Good proof about "that they suck" ! Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Good proof about "that they suck" !   Good proof about "that they suck" ! EmptyMi 20 Jul 2011, 18:23

Zitat :
So you are saying, yes, it is fine that there were no Shamans at all in the raid;

Zitat :
and that it is fine that other classes do DPS/Heals better then any shaman can.
No, because I didn't say that. You did.

Zitat :
Ok, just wanted to be sure.
You shouldn't be so sure. You asked a rhetorical question based on a false premise, and then accepted an answer to the question I never gave.

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I'm Uffie of course!
I'm Uffie of course!

Anzahl der Beiträge : 58
Anmeldedatum : 23.05.11

Good proof about "that they suck" ! Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Good proof about "that they suck" !   Good proof about "that they suck" ! EmptyMi 27 Jul 2011, 18:25

Bin wieder mal drüber gestolpert und dachte mir wo würds besser hin passen.

Sehr schön gemacht. Macht immer wieder Spaß sich das mal anzhören.
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Good proof about "that they suck" ! Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Good proof about "that they suck" !   Good proof about "that they suck" ! Empty

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Good proof about "that they suck" !
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